1600 Daily: Everything White House for 6/5/17
JUNE 5, 2017 AT 12:02 PM ET BY
11:30 AM: President Trump announces the Air Traffic Control Reform Initiative - Watch
12:30 PM: President Trump has lunch with Vice President Pence and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos
1:30 PM: Press Briefing with Principal Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Sanders - Watch
2:30 PM: Vice President Pence hosts a healthcare listening session with HHS Secretary Tom Price, CMS Administrator Seema Verma, and SBA Administrator Linda McMahon
5:30 PM: President Trump and the First Lady host a reception for Gold Star Families

Ford's Theatre | June 4, 2017 (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead)
Obamacare continues to fail Americans: Average individual health insurance premiums have more than doubled since Obamacare was implemented.
Last Friday, President Trump signed two bills into law to support our Nation's heroes: the Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2017 and the American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017.
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Yesterday I was proud to join @POTUS as we reaffirmed our unbreakable support for the American heroes who keep our communities safe.
7:13 PM - 3 Jun 2017
On Saturday, President Trump spoke with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom to offer his condolences for the brutal terror attacks on June 3 in central London. He praised the heroic response of police and other first responders and offered the full support of the United States Government in investigating and bringing those responsible for these heinous acts to justice.
Yesterday, President Trump and the First Lady hosted the Ford’s Theatre pre-Gala reception at the White House and attended a variety show hosted by Larry Gatlin at Ford's Theatre.
"Rural areas would get federal dollars to rebuild roads, bridges and other infrastructure projectsunder a plan President Donald Trump will announce..."
- McClatchy
"What the nation won’t do, thanks to the president, is devastate its own economy against the public’s wishes in order to satisfy the global elite. Count this as a major Trump promise kept." - The New York Post
"The entire Paris agreement was a largely meaningless piece of public relations stagecraft, designed for world leaders to give the illusion that they are doing something about climate change...President Trump was right to remove the United States from this non-treaty." - New Hampshire Union Leader
“Nearly 100,000 Nebraskans apparently will have only one choice for individual health insurance next year. Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts said Blue Cross’s decision “demonstrates the failure of Obamacare and how the system was so poorly designed that great companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield can’t stay in the marketplace. It highlights that Congress needs to act to make the health care system sustainable.” -The Omaha World-Herald