Publications Office Newsletter |
N° 46 April 2017 ISSN 2315-0017 |
Spotlight on the social dimension
This week the European Commission has published the Reflection paper on the social dimension of Europe. It is the first of five reflection papers announced in the White paper on the future of Europe
which are intended to offer different ideas,
proposals, options or scenarios for Europe and to open a debate without
presenting definitive decisions at this stage. Also this week, the
Commission has presented the European Pillar of Social Rights, which sets out twenty key principles and rights to support fair and well-functioning labour markets and welfare systems. |
Employment and social developments in Europe
Annual review 2016
The annual review of employment and social
developments in Europe provides analytical support for EU and national
policy actions in pursuit of the Europe 2020 employment and social
objectives. It considers the latest available data and provides
analysis of key employment and social developments and challenges in
the EU and its Member States.Available in English |
EU social and labour rights and EU internal market law
This study assesses the tensions between EU
social and labour rights and EU internal market law, namely how the
original idea that free-moving workers were intended to be treated
equally has in practice created avenues for subjecting free movers to
precarious employment, in turn disrupting local employment conditions.
The authors explore responses by socioeconomic and political actors at
national and EU level to these tensions. A summary of the key findings
recommendations of the study can be found here.Available in English |
Low pay and in-work poverty: preventative measures and preventative approaches
Evidence review
Poverty and social exclusion are often
associated with long-term unemployment and household joblessness. Yet
in today's European labour market, a job is not always sufficient to
provide a decent livelihood for workers and their families, and in many
Member States in-work poverty is on the rise. This review pulls
together the existing evidence from across the EU on the effectiveness
of different policy interventions aimed at reducing low pay and in-work
poverty.Available in English |
Also out this month |
Industry in Europe
Facts & figures on competitiveness & innovation 2017
Industry matters – one in five jobs is in
industry. New technologies bring rapid changes and are breaking down
the barriers between supply chains, customers and business. Europe must
continually innovate to remain competitive in a global market place.
The EU must cultivate its talent base, just as it must defend its role
as a global standard and rule setter. This publication provides an
overview of the European Union's wide-ranging activities that will
industrial competitiveness for the benefit of all Europeans. The
initiatives focus on building an economy that is circular, sustainable,
inclusive – and ready for the future.Available in English |
Kaleidoscope on the Internet of Toys
Safety, security, privacy and societal insights
This publication gives an insight into safety,
security, privacy and societal questions emerging from the rise of the
Internet of Toys. These are internet-connected toys that constitute,
along with the wave of other domestic connected objects, the Internet
of Things, which has increased the ubiquity of the information and
communication technologies within our everyday lives, bringing
technology, more than ever, closer to us and our children.Available in English |
The EU agencies working for you
Discover where EU agencies are based and what they do
This brochure provides an overview of the
breadth and depth of work carried out by the various specialised EU
decentralised agencies and joint undertakings. It showcases their
combined added value, and how they are working to help make Europe a
more competitive and better place to live and work.Available in English |
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